Wednesday, June 11, 2014

HUMP DAY Closed with a Bang

HUMP DAY Closed With A Bang (or a swallow)
The Schedule Gets Busy From Here

    Good Morning from the Arabian Peninsula.  I woke up rather early this morning even for me, somewhere around 4 am.  Five times a day in this region there is a "Call To Prayer,"  this morning it seemed exceedingly loud to me and woke me up.  Usually I can sleep right through it, no problems at all.  This week the team visited a Mosque where we prayed to One Living, True, and Active God that there would soon be a Great Revival in this land and call back to Him.  During this visit, we were talking and a comment was made what would happen if the Believers in America would seriously pray 5-7 times a day to God for Revival;  It makes you think, what would happen?
    Yesterday, Hump Day: was a day filled with tears, homesickness, fatigue, heat and humidity exhaustion and ended with much laughter, bonding, smiles, and prayer.  The middle of the week is ALWAYS the toughest day of the week on these adventures and yesterday was no different.  It is the day where the enemy feels it is time to attack with abandon and thus I usually try to keep this day low key.  So yesterday, we started our day as we do everyday with a time of devotion and prayer, then we headed to a place where many in this region come to pray to (supposedly) the tomb of the prophet Job.  Here we spent our own time in prayer for God to speak to each of the thousands upon thousands that will come to this place.  We especially prayed that God would speak through visions and dreams as the season of fasting and prayer, called Ramadan will begin shortly after we leave.  This region so needs to have the Almighty God speak to them.
    Then we arrived back where are staying to have a time of rest because we knew it was going to be a very late evening (usually we are in by 8:30/9:00pm) but last night we were eating dinner at 8:30 and back around 10:00 or later (but we had to stop for ice cream before arriving home because, led by Becca; the team wanted ice cream). 
    We went to visit the man (a seeker, but I think is already a Believer) that we visited on our first day.  He is a leader of his people, and at my request; wanted to show us his families herd of camels and allow us to milk camels, drink the fresh milk (see the pictures on FB) and it came to be known, introduce us to his cousin; who will soon be sharing in the Good News.  
     I forgot that in the middle of our day, Dona Beth was invited to be part of a meeting and ESL class with a young lady, who is a Believer. 
     Before I tell you what we will be doing today, I thought I would share with you some of heartbreaking statistics of this region and country.  In this country, there are less then a 1000 Believers in the whole country, this country has one of the fewest amount of workers in the world (less then 20) and the closest ones next to where we are and who we are working with is 850 kilometers away.  Scaring a frightening facts for a country that is primed and ready for a revival.
     Today begins 2 days of hectic schedule.  Beginning around 4, we will begin to have at least 5 meetings, with the potential to 7 or more meetings, which has the potential to be around 300 people we will talk to in these days. Skip, Steve and Gavin will be speaking, performing music and the other 4 of us will be speaking to each one of the people about Kingdom things.  Please pray for all of us on this.
     Here are the verses that we will be part of our daily devotion:

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

2 Timothy 4:17

 7 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth.

We definitely can feel your prayers and love here.  Thank you.

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