Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 3 Ended, Day 4 Begins and Our Middle of the Trip Begins

Day 3 Ended
Day 4 Has Begun
Our Middle or Halfway Point

    Yesterday was a very long and busy day for us, not because of the multitude of visits but because we spent quite along time coming and going to our destination.  There were many winding roads and many ups and downs as we headed to our destination.   Our journey took us southwest of our location to a closed place and a place of much danger for believers.  This was our most intense day of the trip because of the location.  However along the way we were met by 2 seekers and were able as the day went to share and become friends.  We were also able to shout to heavens from the cliffs about how Great our God is.  Pretty cool experience.  When we arrived our location, we were able to spend much time in prayer and sharing with our new friends.
     As we met last night, it is amazing that the group is beginning to see the weight of being a Believer in this land.  For them to turn to Our God means there is a great cost.  There have been several conversations that have gotten all the way to the point and then they stop or in case of a recent conversation, the person  said that I lean towards Jesus, but my family and the government it would not be good.  There is a GREAT cost in this region, something we in America never will understand due to our freedoms.  Please hold up the group in prayers that we would have wisdom but more importantly, that these people would understand that the cost here might be hard, but the eternal rewards are fantastic.
     I have been blessed with another great team.  From our youngest is Becca (not my daughter, Becca; but because of the name she immediately is a favorite) to our oldest Steve (Gavin, Skip, Bernie and Dona Beth make up the rest) this is a fantastic team.  They have bonded and at every turn in the road or up the hill, you see the Light of our Lord shining in their faces and in their actions.  Truly a wonderful thing to be with them.
     Today we will head out of the city again for a time of prayer, then to have more conversations with the ESL and finally to head back out to the Sheik's home to spend time with him (yes, he is a Seeker), to learn culturally about camels.  We will get to milk them and the group is hoping to ride them.  And through the whole time, we are praying to add to the Kingdom one more Eternal Brother.
    Today is our halfway point on this adventure.  We are all getting physically tired, emotionally drained and yet expectant about what God has yet planned for us.  This is today's devotion:

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

    Please pray for us that today, our HUMP DAY; that we would first be able to share and add to the Kingdom.  Secondly for our physical and emotional fatigue.  And finally, Please join us in praising the Lord for allowing us to join Him in this, His Work.

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