Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 1 In Turkey

Exciting Times

    Well we all arrived safe, in good health; and a little tired last night.  Our flights were for the most part, pretty uneventful.  There are always fun things that happen (tell you about that one on a later date), but we got here.  All of our flights were on time.  Even better is all of our luggage arrived and in one piece.  All of these are huge prayers answered. 
    Today our day started at 8am and we really didn't arrive back to the hotel until around 7pm.  The above picture is of the team and some local believers.  It was a really good time.  Today we spend our day really with believers.  We started with having coffee with a local believer, listening to his story, sharing in his life as a believer and enjoying the first of "way too much" coffee and tea.  Then from there we went and had house church, where we had a wonderful time of learning, praising and celebrating our Lord.  Next on the agenda was going to downtown Antioch, where we had more tea and then saw the largest bookstore (#1 Bible selling store from here to Istanbul).  You can see their book selection below.

Yes, that is the extent of the Christian bookstore here.  Still it is a great testimony in this country.  From here the team went a look at some of the mosaics that have been excavated here in this region.  Then it was off to the family that is pictured above. 
    It was a great day.  Please pray for the team as tomorrow is going to be a very busy day and a great chance to really do some eternal work.  Again the team is all doing good and you can already see how God is working. 

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