Friday, March 28, 2014


Alright a half smile for those asking..
    I have been absent since arriving back home from the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula for several reason.  But the main reason that I have not written is because I have just been relishing what the Lord did on the trip and secondly, I had a whole lot of catch-up to do around the house and in the ministry. 
    Also since arriving home, I have had to do some evaluations of the ministry that the Lord Called us to do and how we proceed into the future.  When you know what you do is a Call from the Lord, it always makes some things easier but there are other facets of the ministry that are tough.  It is the tough ones that sometimes deter, hamper and in some cases stop one from doing the ministry you were called.   Over the last couple of months, we have watched one of these areas drastically change.   So it is this drastic change that I have been evaluating.  The crazy part of this evaluation is there are no answers for this to change that we have not already tried. 
    So as I have proceeded, I keep coming back to the same conclusion and fact.  I believe that it is something that the Apostle Paul came to also in the ministry that God Called him to.  Right here , I need or must say something;  I am no way, no chance or not even insinuating I am doing close to what the Apostle Paul was called to do.  That in all things we can only be thankful for what we have and take assurance in that. 
    Colossians 2:6-7 says: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as your were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
    It took me a few readings to understand the above or at least what God was trying to say to me.  And it is this, “Ron, you are mine, your faith has grown as you learned more about me, and to always be thankful because I am with you.”   You see this is what the Lord has called me to do and I must have faith that as long as I keep the faith and trust, He will take care of us.  So I will be thankful for where we are today and for what the future holds.  THANK YOU LORD FOR EVERYTHING!!!
    As you have read I have not said anything about what we have been evaluating and as of now, I am not going to say anything, unless you ask; because I have committed to you I would be transparent.  But for me, this was a lesson of being thankful in all situations.   I have spoken that many times but sometimes even the speaker needs to hear the message.

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