Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How Do I Know God Is Speaking To Me

How Do I Know God Is Speaking To Me?
    I was preparing this blog to be about family but over the last couple of weeks and especially this last week I have had to ask myself if God is speaking to us and if He is how do I know.   Let me give you a little perspective and history so that you will know why I have asked that question of how do I know if God is speaking to me.
    Six months ago I received an invitation to come to a country (to be named later in this blog).  The country is part of the battle that is going on in the region that God has called me to work in.  It is also a country that Christians are constantly being persecuted for their faith. When I got home and told my wife, she pretty quickly said she was comfortable with me going.  As the time has progressed and time for visa preparation, getting flights and planning Jeannine has gotten more apprehensive about my going.  All she asked was that I pray about it but that she doesn't want me to go. So I have been really searching the right answer. 
    So I have searched and this is what I have found out about what the Bible says about how God speaks to us:

  1. Through the Word of God(2 Tim 3:16, Psalm 119:11, 105):This is the most clear and effective way of God’s communication with His people. If you want to know how things work perfectly, you need to read the manual. The Bible is God’s manual for His people. But as in case with other manuals, we often ignore the Bible. How often do we try everything else, but His word?
  2. Through the inner still, small voice of Holy Spirit (Acts 11:12, Acts 13:2, Acts 16:6-7, 1 Kings 19:12, Isaiah 30:19-21)
  3. Through the advice and counsel of the Men and the Women of God(Prov 12:15)
  4. Through the Audible Voice of God (Acts 9:4-5)
  5. Through Dreams  (Matthew 1:20-21) – There are many instances in the Bible, where God clearly communicates through dreams.
  6. Through Visions (Acts 10:9-18)
  7. Through Angels (Luke 1: 26-38) 
  8. Through circumstances: However there is a danger of opening doors to Satan by letting mere circumstances dictate our lives. . So be wise and discerning with regards to your circumstances and expect God to speak to you through them.
  9. By Inner Conviction and Peace: It is similar to the inner still, small voice of Holy Spirit.  God can give you deep conviction and inner peace about something.  (
    Does God speak to us in all of the above.  Yes God does speak to us in the above methods.  But in this case of why I was searching for an answer because my wife asked me to.  So I did.  And in the end I cancelled the trip that was being planned. The reasons are simple:  see numbers 1, 2, 8, 9 and of course number 3. 
    Why do I share this?  It is because we all need to know when God speaks and HE DOES SPEAK!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear, but also very glad to hear! God directs our path and He does communicate to us in this world of ours! The fact that you searched Him and His direction out is great! Keep that going in your life walk and you will do well!!! God bless!
