Here I sit at the Kuwait Airport amazed at the changes that have happened since I was last here. They have done a lot of updating and the airport is quite nice. It has internet, of course I can't find a plug in so I will type and play until my laptop dies and I can go no more.
The reason for this trip was to meet with the local legal church about how International Commission and us to partner in the future. I made this contact last time I was here and we have been communicating through email since April of last year, trying to work out a time when we could meet. When I arrived for our first meeting, he was waiting for me and excited to be able to actually have time to talk-face to face. Our first meeting was divinely ordained and then this one was the same. He informed me that they were right in the middle of planning for the future of the church. For your information, the church runs over 1500 people now in 3 types of services: English (Ex-Pats,), Arab and Flippino/Indian. He went on to say that this was perfect timing for our meeting...I wanted to say "duh," but refrained. They were looking for a partner that could come alongside of them for the growth of the body here in Kuwait. As we spoke, he became more excited about the possibilities and the idea of a long term (every year) relationship really put a smile on his face.
Before the first meeting was over he told me he wanted to meet Pastor Rayna of the Indian Church. Wow, is the only way to describe this meeting. She told me about how each Sunday over 75 Indians are making professions of faith and the only way she could describe her church was 1000's and 1000's. She showed me pictures of the last Sunday service and I was amazed, talk about Standing Room only. Great meeting and the potential of what could happen is amazing.
Then after this meeting, I was introduced to the Pastor of what they call the Villa Church. This is basically a satellite church and is rapidly growing. This meeting was all about how IC does evangelism and how we could assist him and his church reach the people around his villa. He was excited and really wants to explore this in his church.
After the meetings, I was told that we would definitely be having an invitation to bring teams over to this area in 2015. Today the staff is meeting to discuss everything and to plan. I have been requested to return in June, before the Oman project; to discuss, meet and plan the project in 2015. Talk about God orchestrating things.
The first 3 parts of this journey have all been wonderful and a blessing. I pray the next is the same way. Pretty tired now and need a day of rest but I was told someone that "I am going to run and work as hard as I can now for the Lord and then when I get to Heaven, I will rest." So I will keep going. Thank you for all of your prayers, love and support.
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