Travelling to the Arabian Peninsula is always a challenge. And every trip is a HUGE blessing and the best opportunity to see the Lord at work. This one was no exception.
Evangelism is the key and establishing church to church evangelistic projects can be a interesting, especially where churches are either few and far between, established house churches or even underground church.
This trip had the best of all the worlds.
In Kuwait, I was able to meet and start a conversation with a church with an evangelistic heart and consists of over 1200 Believers that meet in 4 services every Sunday. The Pastor and I have begun our discussions about how IC and the church can become partners in the future to reach the people of Kuwait.
In Oman, although the goal was to explore if God was opening the door to Yemen; God had other plans. I travelled to a city called Salalah, where I met with two local workers (one from the Midwest and the other from Brazil), who have huge hearts for evangelism.
Our conversations involved the evangelism of the multitude of ethnic groups there and also working with the PCO church, the Pakistani Church and the Indian/Hindi church.
It is amazing when you take your prayers and petitions to the Lord what He can accomplished.
Thank you for your prayers, love and support. I look in the future being able to tell you how this trip willwork out in glorifying our Lord.
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