Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!!


  In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God,
and the WORD was God. 
                                                   John 1:1
     As each of us prepare for Christmas in a few days, I wanted to get a blog written and to say Merry Christmas.  It is not Happy Holidays but truly Merry Christmas.  On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and the World's Savior, Jesus Christ.  John 1:1, I feel and believe is the simplest verse in the Bible and pretty much explains everything.  When God created the Heavens and the Earth, at the very beginning Jesus was there.  And God knew someday He would have to send His Son to reconcile us so that we would be with them forever.  Oh, how I look forward to that day. 
    May each of you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.  Thank you for reading this and blessing us so much.

My Life In Pictures

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Reasons


    It is an amazing event that has happened in my life.  I started this blog for 2 reasons.  The first to let all of our Partners in the Ministry know what was going on during those times that I am traveling or before I get a Partnership Newsletter sent.  The second reason was to be Transparent in my walk with the Lord and so that each of you would be able to get to know me better, as the person I am 24 hours a day.  So today there have been almost 1300 of you who have visited the blog and blessed me by reading what I have written. 
    I committed that when I started this, that at least every week I would strive to put something on the blog to let you know what is happening.  I have fulfilled that commitment but please have faith that I am trying very hard.  Although the ministry is very busy, sometimes I don't think you want to read about the mundane pieces of administration that happens, so I just hold off for  a little while.  Since the last update, that is pretty much what has transpired.  Next week, I will be able to tell you about projects that are happening in 2014, speaking at churches here in California and upcoming places that God has allowed me to come and speak about His work. 
     This week I would like to touch on my second reason for writing this blog and that is to be transparent to each of you.  1st Timothy 6:12 says:

                   "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. "

So now I am going to confess my second largest weakness to you.  Before I told you that I worry a whole lot, however a even bigger area that I fight and take to the Lord more than anything else is that I fight "depression."   You would think that being in the ministry I would not be depressed but I am.  Jeannine thinks that some my depression is genetic and that it is because I am always putting extra stress upon myself.  You know she is probably right in a whole lot ways (she usually is).  I am not talking about the dark depression that is debilitating, but the depression that causes me to become quiet (you know me, quiet is not, worry more, and question more things then I usually would.
     This depression does not happen a lot but I must confess it does happen.  And when it does I do take it to the Lord.  I ALWAYS get comfort from the Lord but sometimes it does not rid me of the depression.  You see, I am totally human and thankfully I have a Lord who understands me, forgives me, and does comfort me.  Praise Him that it doesn't last long because many of you are used to lift my spirits and bring me out of this.  Thank you. 
     So I pray I have not bored you to much and that you still love me or like me even with all of my faults.  I pray that by me sharing this with you that if you suffer from this same thing that God is there for you.  Just trust Him!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

End of the Year Partnership Gift Letter

End of the Year Partnership Gift Letter
At the end of each year, due to tax deductions; many faith based ministry send out a letter asking Partners or Perspective Partners to pray about making a special gift that is tax deductible.  It is recommended that we write one, also.  I deeply go into prayer when I have to send my letter out.  As is the case in Ministry Partnership development, it is really the toughest part of being in a faith based ministry and the idea of trust and not worrying about anything.  The letter below is the one that I recently sent out.  Please join me in prayer in regards to what God wants to happen with it this year.  If you want to make a special year end gift, please immediately get a hold of me so that we can get you the tax deduction for 2013 and I can send you the commitment card.  Thank you again for reading my blog.  Each of you that read it, make comments and share with me your thoughts mean so much to me.
    This year has led to many changes in our lives.  In May, I refocused on the Middle East and North Africa; leaving behind my role as Vice President of Area Strategy for International Commission.  Once following God in this refocused direction, we have seen doors opened to active churches in Southern Oman, Kuwait, Yemen, Libya, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, new partners in Lebanon, renewed partners in Jordan and new partners in Turkey.  God is opening doors in North Africa thorough existing contacts with groups working in the Muslim world. 
     Several years ago I met this wonderful young man and during one of our projects in his country we were able to share with him the one truth that would change his life forever.  He is from a very big family and he was one of the youngest.  In the culture that he lives in, being young and from a big family means very little influence or the opportunity to change his family or even the village or tribe he is from.  However, we serve a God who can change that.  Over the last couple of years, we have been able to reconnect when I have traveled to his country and I have seen him become bolder with his faith and the trust that he has.  On my last visit, I was able to again spend some time with him and to see his growth.  On this visit, I asked him how his family is adjusting to his faith; expecting to hear that they were rejecting him and the truth.  I was overwhelmed with his response that many in his family and in his village are now Followers of the True God.  His faith has grown and I look forward to hearing from him about what God is doing through him.  One project, one person, many changed lives.
     On my trip to Israel, we were able to share with many young people who are so hungry for a change and a better life.  While staying at the hotel, I met this young man and he changed my life as I know God has changed his life.  On the first night I was able to meet with him and be able to make a connection with him.  During the week, we would talk about his life, his family, his friends and what made our group different from the other groups in the hotel.  One night, I felt the need to share with him the truth about God.  He admitted that what I was telling him was the truth and that he knew in his heart that Jesus was the way.  Our conversation quickly turned to the costs involved in following Jesus in a Muslim family and my heart began to break.   God was not through with this young man and over the continuing week, we continued to have more conversations.  On our last night, we spoke again and this time he told me that when the time is right, he will follow what he knows is the truth.  So I pray for this young man, who now knows and I believe that Jesus has already changed his heart. 
     God is Amazing and We Could Not do the Work that God has Called Us to Do Without You.  Your prayers, love, letters of encouragement and financial support have made this journey and adventure possible.  I would like to ask you to pray about becoming more involved.   Pray about going on a project, pray about committing this year that you will increase your prayers for us and the ministry, and pray about becoming a financial Ministry Partner with us on a monthly basis or increasing your monthly gifts during the 2014 year or this month make a special financial gift.   We need you!  Please pray today about how God is leading you and answer Him right away.   I have enclosed a commitment card.  If God is leading you to make a special year end gift or to become a Monthly Financial Ministry Partner, all of your gifts are tax-deductible.  
      Thank you for allowing me to tell you just a few stories about what God has done this year.  It is because of your Partnership that we are able to continue to Follow The Lord in His Call.  May 2014, be the best year of your lives.

New House Pictures

Here are some pictures of the new house.   We have been so very blessed by this gift from God.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Worry...Is It Neccessary?

 One of my favorite pictures of Jeannine and I. 
 Enjoying a Stockton Ports baseball game.
Is It Necessary?
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own
Matthew 6:25-34
     How many of us read the above verses and really take the words to heart.  As November ended with us giving Thanks for the many blessings in our lives and the last month of 2013, December begins; each of us begin to look forward to what 2014 will bring us.  What are our lives going to be, will we have a better year then this last one, and what does God have planned for us this next year.  Many of us have already started worrying about it.  Yes, you read that word right....worrying. 
      Why do we worrying?  I ask myself that question everyday, not just once but several times each day.  Jeannine says when I am worrying, I don't sleep, I am always finding projects to do, I eat chocolate and I becoming quiet.  I think the quiet is the "giveaway."  You all know me and being quiet is definitely not one of my attributes.  Transparency:  I talk all the time, even in my sleep.  I will tell you my greatest worry in another BlogSpot to com, but back to the question of why we worry.  I really do believe that many of us are like the disciples.  We have "little faith." Many times I have asked myself, how the disciples could not have faith, since they actually walked with Jesus and saw Him do wonderful things everyday.  I think I am beginning to understand.  It is our human nature that makes us worry.  In the disciples defense, they were learning as they walked with Jesus and they only had 3 years.  I have been a Believer since I was 7.  I have been in the ministry for the last 12 years.  I have seen God do some really incredible miracles, bless friends and family over and over again, and answer so many prayers.  And I still have worry and it is because I must admit that I don't have enough faith.   I am learning and each day the worry gets less. 
      I believe that our Christian lives here are to become more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ more each day.  That our time, is to learn and grow to become more Christ-like.  I know I still have things to learn and I know God is working in my life.  So someday, probably when I get to Heaven, I will be stop worrying. 
      Thank you again for letting me ramble again on the BlogSpot.  This has been such a blessing to me as I am able to write what is on my heart.  If you would like to know more about us, if you would like to become more involved in our ministry whether through how you can specifically pray for us or to become financial Ministry Partners with us, please let me know.  If God is moving you to become more involved, please don't wait....when God Calls we all need to act immediately.

God Bless and have a great month....Ron